Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Ex has Cancer

My ex, Tim (kids call him by his middle name, Dex) has cancer.  He smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish to coin a couple of old phrases, but no.  He has neither lung nor liver cancer. He has bone cancer of all things.

So here's why I'm posting this on my Boomer Blog. Tim/Dex is a smart man, but in order to save $110 a month, he didn't sign up for Medicare beyond Part A. He's a veteran, so he's entitled to VA benefits and VA care. That's really not good. My younger son has taken him to the VA hospital in Ft. Wayne several times, and he says the doctors are all interns. He calls them "Doogie Howsers".  Yesterday he went to the VA hospital in Indianapolis, which is slightly better, but it's a commute.  My older son finally got him signed up for Medicare Complete, but it doesn't take effect until May.  As Tim said:  "That's good, if I'm still alive by then."

My point here is that you need the best health care coverage possible when you get to be our (boomer) age. The plans are all pretty much the same, and they're all the same price.  I just can't imagine opting out. No offense, Boomers, but we're all ticking time bombs. Only an elite few can stay healthy forever and then die quietly in their sleep.


Cards on the Table

Okay, I tend to alienate people when I am candid, so we might as well get it over with. This is MY Boomer Blog, so you might as well know where I'm coming from.

So here it is:

I don't like Affirmative Action.  No, I didn't say I don't believe in it.  I said I don't like it. Here's why.

First of all, I think it's outlived its purpose. I'm not going to elaborate on that.

Second, I believe there are minorities that don't get represented by Affirmative Action. There are WAY more minorities than blacks and Hispanics, but those are seldom represented.

Third, I believe in an alternative:  blind hiring; blind selecting.  I don't think race, religion or anything else should be taken into consideration when hiring, or when selecting students for college, etc. It should be BLIND. That's true no bias. Affirmative action does the opposite. It forces employers and schools to select minorities over non minorities (which don't exist). It's reverse discrimination.

Blind.  That's the key.


The Tirade Continues

Hello again, Boomers.  I promise that not all of my posts will be bitch sessions, but for now I need to get a few things off my chest.

Let's talk about political correctness.  Yes, that.  Hard to keep up, right?

I have a good friend who is a Native American and he doesn't mind being called an Indian. But some do. I have gay friends, and I was told many years ago that the word "queer" is taboo, but now there's a t.v. show called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."  What's up with that?  As a boomer child, I referred to black people as "colored" and now that's an insult.  In fact, I don't think "black" is any longer in favor. It's African American.  Handicapped? Challenged? Midget? Little People? Can't keep up.

I'm just saying that this politically correct stuff has gone too far. You can insult people without even knowing it, because what's correct changes almost daily.  The most insulting thing I was ever called is "Maam" when in fact I still considered myself "Miss."  I'm definitely past that now.  Just an old broad. Oops, "broad" is definitely not politically correct.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello, Boomers

As you tumble into the realm of Boomer, I am here to greet you.  I was born in January, 1946, so I missed being the very first boomer by only days.  Way to go, mom.  And dad.

For a start, I'm pissed that cost of living continues to go up, up, up while Social Security benefits have been frozen for two plus years, because supposedly the economy is stable.  Bull.

I'm pissed because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting richer.  No, that's not a misprint.  It's you and me, Boomers, the middle class, who are getting the shaft.  Bush gave everything to the rich, his buddies.  Obama gives everything to the poor.  Where does the middle class come in?  When do we get a break? When does the pendulum swing and then come to the middle --Us?  Boomers.

There has to be a happy medium, my friends.  Just haven't found it yet.