Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Tirade Continues

Hello again, Boomers.  I promise that not all of my posts will be bitch sessions, but for now I need to get a few things off my chest.

Let's talk about political correctness.  Yes, that.  Hard to keep up, right?

I have a good friend who is a Native American and he doesn't mind being called an Indian. But some do. I have gay friends, and I was told many years ago that the word "queer" is taboo, but now there's a t.v. show called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."  What's up with that?  As a boomer child, I referred to black people as "colored" and now that's an insult.  In fact, I don't think "black" is any longer in favor. It's African American.  Handicapped? Challenged? Midget? Little People? Can't keep up.

I'm just saying that this politically correct stuff has gone too far. You can insult people without even knowing it, because what's correct changes almost daily.  The most insulting thing I was ever called is "Maam" when in fact I still considered myself "Miss."  I'm definitely past that now.  Just an old broad. Oops, "broad" is definitely not politically correct.

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